The Artist
The Artist
Personal Statement
My choices to express the nature of my art have expanded with the menu of techniques and paints. Watercolor, ink, oil, tempera, and acrylic. Each revealing unique natures.
My newest efforts with acrylic and water on paper show my continuing enjoyment in the spontaneity of paint performing. You can imagine the water and concentrations of pigment, moving through changes as it dries, becoming a final fixed expression. I limit myself to the colors, the concentrations, and spacial choices. What follows is spontaneous artistic playfulness.
Born: Los Angeles, CA
Lives and works: Santa Fe, NM
1975 Santa Barbara Art Institute, BFA Painting
1986-89 Studio Assistant, Kenneth Noland
2004 ArtChicago, Navy Pier, Chicago, IL
Museum of Fine Arts curated exhibition, Lewallen Contemporary (group), Santa Fe, NM
2003 New Year, New Space, EVO Gallery (group), Santa Fe, NM
San Francisco International Art Expo, San Francisco, CA
Museum of Fine Arts curated exhibition, Lewallen Contemporary (group), Santa Fe, NM
2002 Invitational, EVO Gallery (group), Santa Fe, NM
Shades of Blue, EVO Gallery (solo), Santa Fe, NM
Affordable Art Expo, Pier 92, New York
2001 20 Years of Painting, EVO Gallery (solo), Santa Fe, NM
Museum of Fine Arts curated exhibition, Lewallen Contemporary (group), Santa Fe, NM
Appearance in Publications:
Abstract Art, New Mexico Artist Series, pp. 236-241, Stuart Ashman and Suzanne Deats, Fresco Art Publications, Albuquerque, NM, 2003
THE Magazine, Santa Fe, September 2002 (exhibition publicity)
Pasatiempo, The Santa Fe New Mexican, “Shades of Blue”, Robert Nott, August 2002
Pasatiempo, The Santa Fe New Mexican, “Eclectic Energy”, Robert Nott, January 2002
Collector’s Guide, (Santa Fe, Taos, Albuquerque), p. 216, 2002 (exhibition publicity)
The Santa Fe Reporter, “Stephanie Dragon”, Francesca Rodriguez, August 2001
Art in America, August 2001 (exhibition publicity)
Santa Fe Reporter, August 17-25, 2001